Wednesday, November 9, 2016


I recently went to see my chiropractor for lower back pain and it got me noticing how the body is amazingly connected.
Over the last few visits he has told me (and I'm paraphrasing here) that a joint in my lower back was twisting in the wrong direction. And the joint on the other side of my back was twisting in the opposite direction to compensate. The result was that one leg was over an inch shorter than the other. He rotated them back, helping, but not fixing the problem. He adjusted my feet, legs, hips, back, neck, and shoulders. Making all these little tweaks, so small, that were causing all the trouble.
And it got me thinking that our bodies are like our life, a few bones were slightly off and it was shifting my whole balance.
He sent me home, but said to come back in a week, and repeat as needed. Because we can't expect to do something once and keep the alignment.
This last time he saw me he noticed that I was walking funny, but he didn't adjust my back or legs, he adjusted my shoulder.
Maybe it's not the areas you'd expect that need a shift, it's all connected. In our bodies and in life the big shifts can be important, but the little shifts realign.

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